Stretch Towards Your Dreams:

Pilates Principles for Personal Goals

As a Pilates trainer who’s seen more than my fair share of stretches, planks, and a hundred other ways to get a body moving, I’ve come to realise that the principles we use in Pilates can do a lot more than just improve your physical health — they can also give your personal goals a bit of a workout. So, grab a cuppa, sit back (straight back, please, posture matters!), and let’s see how you can apply Pilates principles to stretching towards your dreams.

  1. Core Strength: Build Your Foundation

In Pilates, everything starts at the core. If you’ve got a strong core, you’re halfway up the mountain, it’s the same with your goals. Building a strong foundation in whatever you’re chasing — be it career, personal development, or relationships — is essential. Just as we might start a session with some core stabilizing exercises, start your goal-setting with a strong base. Identify your values and what really matters to you. That’s your core!

  1. Alignment: Keep Things Straight

Just like how we need to ensure our body is properly aligned to avoid injuries, aligning your goals with your core values ensures you don’t end up chasing something that doesn’t truly matter to you. Ever tried doing a Teaser when your back’s out of whack? It’s a mess! And so is going after a goal that’s not in line with who you are. Make sure your ambitions reflect your true self — something that resonates with your inner spirit.

  1. Concentration: Focus, Focus, Focus

If you’ve ever tried balancing in a Single Leg Stretch without focusing, you know it can go a bit like a rogue. When setting goals, keep your eyes on the prize and maintain that laser focus. Don’t let distractions pull you off course. It’s all about concentrating on the steps you need to take, just like focusing on each breath and movement in Pilates.

  1. Control: Maintain the Reins

Control in Pilates isn’t just about nailing the perfect Circle or Roll-Up; it’s about controlling each movement to get the most out of it. Similarly, control in goal setting means managing your path and making adjustments as needed. Life throws a number of curveballs, and having control means you can dodge, weave, or hit back as needed.

  1. Precision: Every Little Detail Counts

In Pilates, we don’t just fling our bodies around (leave that for the Friday night at the local!). Every movement is deliberate and refined. Apply the same principle to your goals. Fine-tune your plans, be precise in your actions, and make every step count. Just like how a precisely executed Pilates workout maximises effectiveness, detailed planning makes your journey towards your goals more efficient.

  1. Breathing: Keep the Air Flowing

Ever noticed how a good, deep breath during a difficult Pilates move can make all the difference? It’s like a cool drink of water after a long hike in the bush — absolutely refreshing. When you’re working towards your goals, remember to breathe. Stressing out without taking a moment to relax can wear you down faster than a car burning through fuel without ever stopping for a refill. Use breathing to manage stress and keep your energy levels up.

So there you have it! Pilates isn’t just for your body — it’s a way to shape up your dreams and goals too!

Whether you’re stretching towards a new job, a big move, or just a better version of yourself, remember these principles. Keep it steady, keep it smart, and, above all, keep moving towards what you love.

Cheers to reaching our goals, one stretch at a time!